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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Destroyer - 'Kaputt'


Merge; 2011
Our Take - 8.4

Dan Bejar the brainchild behind Destroyer is deep, complex, tragic, and hilarious.  With Kaputt, we get a unique artistic statement and a stand alone record that is vastly different from other Destroyer records and worlds away from his collaborations with The New Pornographers.  

On first listen I wasn't too sure, I thought it sounded, well, corny. This can be attributed to the sonic elements and genres it combines-- smooth jazz, late 70's/early 80's reverbed synths, soft rock, easy listening, and sort of a romanticized poppiness-- sounds I haven't always appreciated.  What it took for me to enjoy the record was to just let go.  When I allowed myself to be carried by the sound of the record I appreciated the songs and embraced the aesthetic value of the record in an entirely new way.

I fell in love with the way the sounds are combined, his lackadaisical I'm-reading-obscure-literature-on-the-couch-while-singing style vocals, the wonderfully satirical, introspective and social commentating lyrics, the precise never-miss song structures, and the earworm hooks.

This record is complex and will be dissected and cherished for years to come, but even at surface value it is a wonderful sounding record.  Just give up with this record, let it take you where it wills, it is quite the journey.

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